Terracotta Aztec Garden Rug

Delivery Supplement:
  • Super-tough, yet soft underfoot
  • Leave out in rain, sun, frost or snow
  • Sweep, wipe or hose down to clean
  • Crafted from premium, no-fade polyester fibre
  • Mildew and mould-resistant
Product Information
Hose down this hard-wearing rug when you water your flowers!.

Crafted from 100% recycled polypropylene, our Aztec rugs boasts the look and feel of indoor rugs, yet thrive outdoors day and night, enduring sun, rain, frost and snow. Ideal for patios, decks or high-traffic indoor areas, they’re highly-resistant to mould and mildew and can be easily cleaned with a hose. Roll up over winter and they’ll look just as fabulous when you unroll them in spring.
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